
Articles with the latest trends in technology and innovation.

Internet of Things - onde o mundo físico encontra o digital 2
Internet of Things: Where the physical world meets the digital one

Nowadays, we are surrounded by equipment and objects that rely on the internet and technology to perform their functions. Over time, we have seen a great evolution of technology and equipment, which are increasingly modern and connected to each other.

03 nov 2021
Big Data - Tome decisões mais inteligentes para o seu negócio 0
Big Data: Make smarter decisions for your business The concept of Big Data is a set of processes that bring together a large amount and variety of unstructured data from various sources that have an impact on a business's daily life.
13 out 2021
Digitalização: O primeiro passo para mudar o seu negócio 0
Digitalization: The first step to change your business Electronic processes are increasingly part of the way we work and consume, and digitalization is a worldwide trend that has opened several opportunities in different business areas, inevitable for the survival and growth of businesses. So digitalization is already a reality that''s here to stay.
teste 0
How can Business Intelligence help companies in their decision-making? Business Intelligence is a business model that aims to make the companies' indicators and planning more assertive. It is used to collect information from a company's systems, such as ERP's or CRM's, to be stored in a database called Data Warehouse through the ETL (Extract, Transformation, Load) process.
Integração de sistemas: para negócios mais eficientes 0
Systems Integration: For more efficient business With today's highly competitive market, there is a growing demand for companies to make use of technological solutions to carry out activities with high productivity.
19 jan 2022
Transformação Digital - O caminho do futuro empresarial 1
Digital Transformation: The business future The concept of digital transformation can be described as a process by which businesses make use of technology to optimize work and improve performance in order to achieve better results.
17 nov 2021
O que é Business Intelligence e o que pode fazer pela sua empresa? 0
What is Business Intelligence and what can it do for your business? With the advance of technology and the consequences resulting from this evolution, competitiveness in the business world has increased. Therefore, the need for a smarter method to support business decision making that works in a scalable way has emerged.
Porquê investir num website à medida? 0
Why invest in a costumized website? The world is increasingly digital and the time spent on online searches is extremely high. Therefore it is essential that your business is present where your customers are and a website has a high relevance because it is the reflection of your company to the world; it is the way to present yourself to those who want to know you.
08 set 2021
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