
Articles with the latest trends in technology and innovation.

Data breach: Importância da segurança dos dados 0
Data breach: The importance of data security

With the increase in cyber attacks on businesses regardless of their size or business area, it is critical to ensure that appropriate and up-to-date security measures are in place for the protection of personal and confidential data.

Ransomware: Como evitar ataques nos negócios 0
Ransomware: How to avoid business attacks Ransomware attacks are a constantly evolving threat, causing significant damage and expense to different businesses.
Phishing: O que é e como prevenir? 0
Phishing: What is it and how to prevent? Phishing attacks can be particularly dangerous if no action is taken and not handled properly, and can cause significant losses to an employee and/or the entire business.
Como evitar a fuga de dados nos negócios? 0
How to avoid data leakage in business? The leakage of data and information from companies can result from a failure or a set of failures that happen individually or in isolation due to the lack of an information security policy, human failures such as accidents or reckless behavior, vulnerability of systems or lack of backups.
Cloud Computing: Escalabilidade para os negócios 0
Cloud Computing: Business scalability Naturally, different businesses will not have the same kind of IT needs, which makes cloud storage an effective solution when it comes to business scalability.
Benefícios da cultura DevOps para os negócios 0
Benefits of DevOps culture for business The biggest and most impactful benefit of the DevOps culture is the frequent improvement and high quality of software development. This means not only better performance for the business, but also for their teams.
Big Data: A importância dos dados nos negócios 0
Big Data: The value of data in business Nowadays, huge amounts of data are generated all the time, which makes a clear and efficient traditional analysis difficult. Therefore, data analysis is performed by predictive models, statistical algorithms, and high-performance analytical systems that have the ability to collect, store, process, analyze and discover patterns in the collected data.
03 ago 2022
Machine Learning: a poderosa ajuda para os negócios 0
Machine Learning: The powerful business aid Machine learning is a type of artificial intelligence that is based on the fact that systems can learn from data, identify patterns, and make decisions with as little human intervention as possible to help businesses with decisions, investments, and strategies.
Digitalização de negócios: quais as vantagens? 0
Business digitalization: What are the benefits? The fast evolution of technology and the constant change in consumer behavior is what has made digitalization a trend among different business areas. This is an indispensable trend for business survival and growth.
22 jun 2022
Benefícios da Mobilidade Digital para os negócios 1
Benefits of Digital Mobility for business The world is constantly changing and it is essential for businesses to adapt as a way to be competitive with their competitors.  
08 jun 2022
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